I'm Web Designer, e-Detailing & Front End Developer based in Lahore, Pakistan - who loves to create design with identity and using the latest development principles and techniques.
I have been doing web designing & development since 2003 and created & developed many websites, e-detailing application (eda) & cross platform mobile apps using latest technologies SASS/CSS 3, Bootstrap/Foundation, HTML 5, Java Scripts, jQuery/Mootools/Dojo/YUI, make them w3c validated and multi browsers compatible before delivering to development team.
More than 5 years’ experience developing the e-detailing (eda) presentations for iPad (Agnitio iPlanner). Over these 5 Years I have worked through 3rd party contract for big pharmaceuticals companies like BAYER Middle East and have many other works of e-detailing completed for Denmark pharmaceuticals companies (Like Roche, Sanofi etc)
More than 5 years’ experience in development of mobile responsive websites using custom code & frame works like Bootstrap/Foundation etc.
More than 4 years’ experience developing the cross platform mobile application frontend using HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery which compatible with iOS, Android, Windows, Symbian and Black Berry and compiling for different app stores like iTunes, Play Store etc.
Over the past 14 years, I designed & developed more than 100 web sites, mobile projects and specialize in Interactive Website designing, front-end development, brand management and marketing themes.
You can check my work experience and portfolio at development and design section from which you can further judge my capabilities and qualities.
In my free time, I enjoy hoteling, watching movies and reading books